Track Data Hubs

Track data hubs are collections of external tracks that can be added to the UCSC Genome Browser. Click Connect to attach a hub and redirect to the assembly gateway page. Hub tracks will then show up in the hub's own blue bar track group under the browser graphic. For more information, including where to host your track hub, see our User's Guide.

Track Hubs are created and maintained by external sources. UCSC is not responsible for their content.

The list below can be filtered on words in the hub description pages or by assemblies.
Search terms: Assembly:
Displayed list restricted by above search terms 

When exploring the detailed search results for a hub, you may right-click on an assembly or track line to open it in a new window.

Display Hub Name Description AssembliesClick to connect and browse directly
Breast Cancer Epigenomics Track Hub Breast Cancer Epigenomics Track Hub hg19
Breast Cancer lncRNA Breast Cancer lncRNA PMID 26236012 hg19
ChIP-seq data track HUBs from MSC cells from GSE79815 ChIP-seq data from the publication "Epigenetic plasticity drives adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation of marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells" (10.1074/jbc.M116.736538) from GEO record GSE79815 mm9
Cotney Lab Human Craniofacial Epigenomics Human Embryonic Craniofacial Tissue Epigenomic Data and Chromatin State Segmentations from the Cotney Lab at CHOP hg19, mm9, mm10, hg38
Cotney Lab Human Embryonic Heart Hub Human Embryonic Heart Tissue Epigenomic and Transcriptomic Data from the Cotney Lab at CHOP hg19, hg38
DANIO-CODE Track Hub DANIO-CODE: Central repository for zebrafish genomic datasets danRer10, danRer11
ENCODE Analysis Hub ENCODE Integrative Analysis Data Hub hg19
ENCODE integrative Trackhub ENCODE Trackhub for integrative results hg38, mm10
Ensembl Regulatory Build Evidence summaries and provisional results for the new Ensembl Regulatory Build hg38, hg19, mm10
FANTOM5 RIKEN FANTOM5 Phase1 and Phase2 data hg38, mm10, hg19, mm9, canFam3, rn6, rheMac8, galGal5
Forebrain Enhancer Tracks Predicted Forebrain Enhancers for Human Genome hg19
GeneHancer GeneHancer: genome-wide integration of regulatory elements and target genes in GeneCards hg38, hg19
human p53 Binding And Expression Resource (BAER) hub human p53 ChIP-seq coverage depth (tracks) & SISSRs peak calls with associated differential gene expression from published data as of May 2015 hg19
IDEAS roadmap 20states Roadmap Epigenomics 20 state genome segmentation using the IDEAS algorithm hg19
MethBase (Legacy) MethBase: 605 DNA Methylation profiles reprocessed from NCBI SRA [+] hg38, canFam3, panTro2, hg18, rheMac8, danRer11...
MethBase2 Thousands of analyzed methylomes / DNA methylation profiles from bisulfite sequencing data [+] hg38, apiMel2, bosTau9, canFam6, danRer11, galGal6...
mm9.SMC1.ChIAPET Cohesin(Smc1)-associated chromatin interactions in murine embryonic stem cells mm9
Polytract Repeats Very Short Tandem Repeats (MNR/DNR/TNR) hg38, mm10, rn6, dm6
Roadmap Epigenomics Data Complete Collection at Wash U VizHub Roadmap Epigenomics Human Epigenome Atlas Data Complete Collection, VizHub at Washington University in St. Louis hg19, hg38
Roadmap Epigenomics Integrative Analysis Hub Roadmap Epigenomics Integrative Analysis Hub at Washington University in St. Louis hg19
Single Cell ATAC-seq Developing Cranial Motor Neurons Single Cell ATAC-seq bigWig Signal Tracks from Mouse Brain Motor Neurons mm10
Synonymous Constraint Synonymous Constraint Elements and Synonymous Acceleration Elements in protein-coding regions hg19, hg38, wuhCor1
UCSC Repeat Browser 2020 Update Human Repeat consensuses annotated with lifted tracks hg38reps, hg19, hg38
Vista Enhancers Vista Browser Track Hub hg19, mm9, mm10
Breast Cancer Epigenomics Track Hub Breast Cancer Epigenomics Track Hub hg19
Breast Cancer lncRNA Breast Cancer lncRNA PMID 26236012 hg19
ChIP-seq data track HUBs from MSC cells from GSE79815 ChIP-seq data from the publication "Epigenetic plasticity drives adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation of marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells" (10.1074/jbc.M116.736538) from GEO record GSE79815 mm9
Cotney Lab Human Craniofacial Epigenomics Human Embryonic Craniofacial Tissue Epigenomic Data and Chromatin State Segmentations from the Cotney Lab at CHOP hg19, mm9, mm10, hg38
Cotney Lab Human Embryonic Heart Hub Human Embryonic Heart Tissue Epigenomic and Transcriptomic Data from the Cotney Lab at CHOP hg19, hg38
DANIO-CODE Track Hub DANIO-CODE: Central repository for zebrafish genomic datasets danRer10, danRer11
ENCODE Analysis Hub ENCODE Integrative Analysis Data Hub hg19
ENCODE integrative Trackhub ENCODE Trackhub for integrative results hg38, mm10
Ensembl Regulatory Build Evidence summaries and provisional results for the new Ensembl Regulatory Build hg38, hg19, mm10
FANTOM5 RIKEN FANTOM5 Phase1 and Phase2 data hg38, mm10, hg19, mm9, canFam3, rn6, rheMac8, galGal5
Forebrain Enhancer Tracks Predicted Forebrain Enhancers for Human Genome hg19
GeneHancer GeneHancer: genome-wide integration of regulatory elements and target genes in GeneCards hg38, hg19
human p53 Binding And Expression Resource (BAER) hub human p53 ChIP-seq coverage depth (tracks) & SISSRs peak calls with associated differential gene expression from published data as of May 2015 hg19
IDEAS roadmap 20states Roadmap Epigenomics 20 state genome segmentation using the IDEAS algorithm hg19
MethBase (Legacy) MethBase: 605 DNA Methylation profiles reprocessed from NCBI SRA [+] hg38, canFam3, panTro2, hg18, rheMac8, danRer11...
MethBase2 Thousands of analyzed methylomes / DNA methylation profiles from bisulfite sequencing data [+] hg38, apiMel2, bosTau9, canFam6, danRer11, galGal6...
mm9.SMC1.ChIAPET Cohesin(Smc1)-associated chromatin interactions in murine embryonic stem cells mm9
Polytract Repeats Very Short Tandem Repeats (MNR/DNR/TNR) hg38, mm10, rn6, dm6
Roadmap Epigenomics Data Complete Collection at Wash U VizHub Roadmap Epigenomics Human Epigenome Atlas Data Complete Collection, VizHub at Washington University in St. Louis hg19, hg38
Roadmap Epigenomics Integrative Analysis Hub Roadmap Epigenomics Integrative Analysis Hub at Washington University in St. Louis hg19
Single Cell ATAC-seq Developing Cranial Motor Neurons Single Cell ATAC-seq bigWig Signal Tracks from Mouse Brain Motor Neurons mm10
Synonymous Constraint Synonymous Constraint Elements and Synonymous Acceleration Elements in protein-coding regions hg19, hg38, wuhCor1
UCSC Repeat Browser 2020 Update Human Repeat consensuses annotated with lifted tracks hg38reps, hg19, hg38
Vista Enhancers Vista Browser Track Hub hg19, mm9, mm10

Enter hub URLs below to connect hubs. Hubs connected this way are not accessible to other users by default.

If you wish to share your hub you can create a session link. First, connect the hub and configure the tracks image as desired, then navigate to My Sessions (My Data > My Sessions). The resulting stable link can be added to publications and shared freely. You, as the author, also have the power to update the session contents freely. Alternatively, you may build a link with the hub URL to allow users to retain their browser configuration, connected hubs, and custom tracks.

See our public hub guidelines for information on submitting a new public hub.

Display Hub Name Description AssembliesClick to connect and browse directly. Click copy icon to copy URL to clipboard for sharing.
FANTOM5 RIKEN FANTOM5 Phase1 and Phase2 data hg38, mm10, hg19, mm9, canFam3, rn6, rheMac8, galGal5

Create your own hub

For information on making track hubs, see the following pages:
You may also contact us if you have any issues or questions on hub development.

Check a hub for errors

  Load Example URL
Use the URL bar above to check a hub for errors. This will validate the hub's configuration files, including hub.txt, genomes.txt and trackDb.txt. It will also present a hierarchical tree of tracks with any errors in red. A hub with no errors still shows the tree which can be used to explore the track hierarchy. Hub error checking will always refresh the files and never use our remote file cache (see below).

Enable Genome Browser debugging modes

These apply to all connected hubs. By default, caching is activated and track load times are not shown, but you can change these settings while developing your hub:
File caching: ON  
Current setting: Always cache contents at UCSC. This means that data access is faster, but you cannot see the effect of changes to your files on the Genome Browser for at least 5 minutes.
For custom tracks, this affects only the remote formats (bigBed, bigWig, VCF+tabix, BAM, CRAM, bigPsl, HiC, etc), not text files (BED, VCF, PSL, etc), which are stored at UCSC.
Show load times: OFF  
Current setting: Show no timing measurements.