Manage Custom Tracks
genome     assembly     [hg38]

Name Description Type Doc Items Pos
CYP3A4_reactivityCYP3A4_SHAPEbedGraph 2053chr7:
eclipse_run2_bedeclipse_run2_bedbed 158366chr1:
eclipse_run1_bedeclipse_run1_bedbed 220382chr1:
m6a_2_peaksm6a_2_peaksbed 123780chr7_ML143352v1_fix:
m6a_1_peaksm6a_1_peaksbed 111792chr1_KN538360v1_fix:
m6a_2 m6a_2bed 2486chr1:
m6a_1m6a_1bed 2615chr1:
eclipse_run3_BedGrapheclipse_run3_bdgbedGraph 153613chr1:
eclipse_run3_bedeclipse_run3_bedbed 223130chr1:
eclipse_run2_BedGrapheclipse_run2_bdgbedGraph 125105chr1:
eclipse_run1_BedGrapheclipse_run1_bdgbedGraph 166756chr1:
prim_hep_kit_run1_BedGraphprim_hep_kit_run1_bdgbedGraph 55144chr1:
prim_hep_kit_run1_bedprim_hep_kit_run1_bedbed 59862chr1:
prim_hep_kit_withgel_Jan2023_run3_BedGraphprim_hep_kit_withgel_Jan2023_run3_bdgbedGraph 23056chr1:
prim_hep_kit_withgel_Jan2023_run3_bedprim_hep_kit_withgel_Jan2023_run3_bedbed 25640chr1:
prim_hep_kit_withgel_Jan2023_run2_BedGraphprim_hep_kit_withgel_Jan2023_run2_bdgbedGraph 30805chr1:
prim_hep_kit_withgel_Jan2023_run2_bedprim_hep_kit_withgel_Jan2023_run2_bedbed 35350chr1:
prim_hep_kit_nogel_apr_BedGraphprim_hep_kit_nogel_apr_bdgbedGraph 17633chr1:
prim_hep_kit_nogel_apr_bedprim_hep_kit_nogel_apr_bedbed 19711chr1:
Previously studied PXR binding regionsPreviously studied PXR binding regionsencodePeak    
RIF narrowPeakRIF narrowPeakencodePeak    
DMSO narrowPeakDMSO narrowPeakencodePeak    
check all / clear all 

Managing Custom Tracks

This section provides a brief description of the columns in custom track management table. For more details about managing custom tracks, see the Genome Browser User's Guide.

  • Name - a hyperlink to the update page where you can edit your track data.
  • Description - the value of the "description" attribute from the track line, if present. If no description is included in the input file, this field contains the track name.
  • Type - the track type, determined by the Browser based on the format of the data.
  • Doc - displays "Y" (Yes) if a description page has been uploaded for the track; otherwise the field is blank.
  • Items - the number of data items in the custom track file. An item count is not displayed for tracks lacking individual items (e.g. wiggle format data).
  • Pos - the default chromosomal position defined by the track file in either the browser line "position" attribute or the first data line. Clicking this link opens the Genome Browser or Table Browser at the specified position (note: only the chromosome name is shown in this column). The Pos column remains blank if the track lacks individual items (e.g. wiggle format data) and the browser line "position" attribute hasn't been set.