Manage Custom Tracks
Genome: Human    Assembly: Feb. 2009 (GRCh37/hg19)    [hg19]
Name Description Type Doc Items Pos
CIMS deletionsCIMS deletionsbed 6535chr4:
AGO2_HITS-CLIP_Heart_Peaks_FDR_5%AGO2 HITS-CLIP Peaks Human Heart Failure FDR<5%encodePeak    
PITA_TOP100_miR_Bulged_SitesTop100 miRNA PITA Peak BULGED Sitesbed 20792chr14:
PITA_TOP100_miR_SitesTop100 miRNA PITA Peak Sites NO BULGEbed 2303chr1:
TargetScan_LowExprs_miR_SitesLow Expression (rank>500) miRNA TargetScan Peak Sitesbed 3259chr1:
TargetScan_100-300rank_miR_SitesExpression rank 101 to 300 TargetScan Peak Sitesbed 4835chr1:
TargetScan_300-500_miR_SitesExpression rank 301 to 500 miRNA TargetScan Peak Sitesbed 5218chr1:
TargetScan_TOP100_miR_SitesTop100 miRNA TargetScan Peak Sitesbed 4646chr1:
cardiac Ago2 clusterscardiac Ago2 clustersbed 4000chr6:
HF1279_MINUSHF1279_MINUSbedGraph 307452chr1:
HF1279_PLUSHF1279_PLUSbedGraph 308467chr1:
HF1301_MINUSHF1301_MINUSbedGraph 355693chr1:
HF1301_PLUSHF1301_PLUSbedGraph 353872chr1:
HF1346_MINUSHF1346_MINUSbedGraph 337855chr1:
HF1346_PLUSHF1346_PLUSbedGraph 337651chr1:
HF1388_MINUSHF1388_MINUSbedGraph 407071chr1:
HF1388_PLUSHF1388_PLUSbedGraph 407048chr1:
HF1451_MINUSHF1451_MINUSbedGraph 305319chr1:
HF1451_PLUSHF1451_PLUSbedGraph 303079chr1:
HF423_MINUSHF423_MINUSbedGraph 297908chr1:
HF423_PLUSHF423_PLUSbedGraph 293652chr1:
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Managing Custom Tracks

This section provides a brief description of the columns in custom track management table. For more details about managing custom tracks, see the Genome Browser User's Guide.

  • Name - a hyperlink to the update page where you can edit your track data.
  • Description - the value of the "description" attribute from the track line, if present. If no description is included in the input file, this field contains the track name.
  • Type - the track type, determined by the Browser based on the format of the data.
  • Doc - displays "Y" (Yes) if a description page has been uploaded for the track; otherwise the field is blank.
  • Items - the number of data items in the custom track file. An item count is not displayed for tracks lacking individual items (e.g. wiggle format data).
  • Pos - the default chromosomal position defined by the track file in either the browser line "position" attribute or the first data line. Clicking this link opens the Genome Browser or Table Browser at the specified position (note: only the chromosome name is shown in this column). The Pos column remains blank if the track lacks individual items (e.g. wiggle format data) and the browser line "position" attribute hasn't been set.