Update Custom Track: prim_hep_kit_nogel_apr_bdg [hg38]
Loading Custom Tracks
An annotation data file in one of the supported custom track
formats may be uploaded by
any of the following methods:
(Preferred) Enter one or more URLs for custom tracks (one per line) in the data text box. The Genome Browser
supports both the HTTP and FTP (passive-only) protocols.
Click the "Browse" button directly above the URL/data text box, then choose a custom
track file from your local computer, or type the pathname of the file into the
"upload" text box adjacent to the "Browse" button. The custom track data may
be compressed by any of the following programs: gzip (.gz), compress (.Z), or
bzip2 (.bz2). Files containing compressed data must include the appropriate suffix in
their names.
Paste the custom annotation text directly into the URL/data text box. Data provided by a URL may
need to be proceeded by a separate line defining
type=track_type required for some
tracks, for example, "track type=broadPeak".
If a login and password is required to access data loaded through a URL, this information can be
included in the URL using the format protocol://user:password@server.com/somepath. Only
basic authentication is supported for HTTP. Note that passwords included in URLs are
not protected. If a password contains a non-alphanumeric character, such
as $, the character must be replaced by the hexidecimal representation for that character. For
example, in the password mypwd$wk, the $ character should be replaced by %24,
resulting in the modified password mypwd%24wk.
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