Configure Image - Genome Browser V478
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Configure Tracks on UCSC Genome Browser: Human Dec. 2013 (GRCh38/hg38)
  Tracks:    Groups:
Control track and group visibility more selectively below.
+   Mapping and Sequencing    
+   Genes and Gene Predictions    
+   Phenotypes, Variants, and Literature    
+   Variation    
-   Human Pangenome - HPRC    
Multiple Alignment Multiple Alignment on 90 human genome assemblies
Pairwise Alignments Human Genomes, Chain/Net pairwise alignments, as mapped by the HPRC project
Rearrangements Rearrangements including indels, inversions, and duplications
Short Variants Short Variants
     HPRC Variants > 3bp     HPRC VCF variants filtered for items size > 3bp
     HPRC Variants <= 3bp     HPRC VCF variants filtered for items size <= 3bp
     HPRC All Variants     HPRC variants decomposed from hprc-v1.0-mc.grch38.vcfbub.a100k.wave.vcf.gz (Liao et al 2023), no size filtering
+   mRNA and EST    
+   Expression    
+   Single Cell RNA-seq    
+   Regulation    
+   Comparative Genomics    
+   Repeats