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Configure Tracks on UCSC Genome Browser: Anopheles gambiae PEST strain AgamP4 (AgamP4)
  Tracks:    Groups:
Control track and group visibility more selectively below.
-   Genes    
Base Position Chromosome position in bases. (Clicks here zoom in 3x)
AgamP4.8 Coding AgamP4.8 Protein-coding Genes
AgamP4.8 Pseudogenes AgamP4.8 Pseudogenes
ReadthroughRegions Predicted Translational Readthrough Regions
-   Mapping and Sequencing    
Restr Enzymes Restriction Enzymes from REBASE
Short Match Perfect Matches to Short Sequence ()
-   PhyloCSF    
PhyloCSF Novel v4.8 Prioritized PhyloCSF Novel Regions Not In VectorBase AgamP4.8 Gene Set
Smoothed PhyloCSF Smoothed PhyloCSF
     PhyloCSF-2     Smoothed PhyloCSF Strand - Frame 2
     PhyloCSF-1     Smoothed PhyloCSF Strand - Frame 1
     PhyloCSF-0     Smoothed PhyloCSF Strand - Frame 0
     PhyloCSF+2     Smoothed PhyloCSF Strand + Frame 2
     PhyloCSF+1     Smoothed PhyloCSF Strand + Frame 1
     PhyloCSF+0     Smoothed PhyloCSF Strand + Frame 0
PhyloCSF Regions PhyloCSF approximate coding regions
     PhyloCSF-2Regns     PhyloCSF approximate coding regions, Strand -, Frame 2
     PhyloCSF-1Regns     PhyloCSF approximate coding regions, Strand -, Frame 1
     PhyloCSF-0Regns     PhyloCSF approximate coding regions, Strand -, Frame 0
     PhyloCSF+2Regns     PhyloCSF approximate coding regions, Strand +, Frame 2
     PhyloCSF+1Regns     PhyloCSF approximate coding regions, Strand +, Frame 1
     PhyloCSF+0Regns     PhyloCSF approximate coding regions, Strand +, Frame 0
PhyloCSF Power Relative branch length of local alignment, a measure of PhyloCSF statistical power
SplicePred Splice Predictions
     SplicePred-     Splice Predictions For - Strand
     SplicePred+     Splice Predictions For + Strand