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Configure Tracks on UCSC Genome Browser: Human Feb. 2009 (GRCh37/hg19)
  Tracks:    Groups:
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+   Hub: GTEx Analysis Hub    
+   Custom Tracks    
+   Mapping and Sequencing    
-   Genes and Gene Predictions    
updated GENCODE V47lift37 GENCODE V47lift37
updated NCBI RefSeq RefSeq genes from NCBI
Genes Archive Previous versions of GENCODE/UCSC Genes (knownGene)
     UCSC Genes 2013     Legacy UCSC Genes track (knownGene) from 2013
     GENCODE V45lift37     GENCODE V45lift37
CCDS Consensus CDS
CRISPR Targets CRISPR/Cas9 -NGG Targets, whole genome
Ensembl Genes Ensembl Genes
EvoFold EvoFold Predictions of RNA Secondary Structure
Exoniphy Exoniphy Human/Mouse/Rat/Dog
updated GENCODE Versions Container of all new and previous GENCODE releases
     GENCODE Genes V7     Gene Annotations from ENCODE/GENCODE Version 7
     GENCODE Genes V14     Gene Annotations from ENCODE/GENCODE Version 14
     GENCODE Genes V17     Gene Annotations from ENCODE/GENCODE Version 17
     GENCODE Genes V19     Gene Annotations from GENCODE Version 19
     GENCODE Gene V24lift37     Gene Annotations from GENCODE Version 24lift37
     GENCODE Gene V27lift37     Gene Annotations from GENCODE Version 27lift37
     GENCODE V28lift37     GENCODE lifted annotations from V28lift37 (Ensembl 92)
     GENCODE V31lift37     GENCODE lifted annotations from V31lift37 (Ensembl 97)
     GENCODE V33lift37     GENCODE lifted annotations from V33lift37 (Ensembl 99)
     GENCODE V34lift37     GENCODE lifted annotations from V34lift37 (Ensembl 100)
     GENCODE V35lift37     GENCODE lifted annotations from V35lift37 (Ensembl 101)
     GENCODE V36lift37     GENCODE lifted annotations from V36lift37 (Ensembl 102)
     GENCODE V37lift37     GENCODE lifted annotations from V37lift37 (Ensembl 103)
     GENCODE V38lift37     GENCODE lifted annotations from V38lift37 (Ensembl 104)
     GENCODE V39lift37     GENCODE lifted annotations from V39lift37 (Ensembl 105)
     GENCODE V40lift37     GENCODE lifted annotations from V40lift37 (Ensembl 106)
     GENCODE V41lift37     GENCODE lifted annotations from V41lift37 (Ensembl 107)
     GENCODE V42lift37     GENCODE lifted annotations from V42lift37 (Ensembl 108)
     GENCODE V43lift37     GENCODE lifted annotations from V43lift37 (Ensembl 109)
     GENCODE V44lift37     GENCODE lifted annotations from V44lift37 (Ensembl 110)
     GENCODE V45lift37     GENCODE lifted annotations from V45lift37 (Ensembl 111)
     GENCODE V46lift37     GENCODE lifted annotations from V46lift37 (Ensembl 112)
    new GENCODE V47lift37     GENCODE lifted annotations from V47lift37 (Ensembl 113)
H-Inv 7.0 H-Inv 7.0 Gene Predictions
HGNC HUGO Gene Nomenclature
IKMC Genes Mapped International Knockout Mouse Consortium Genes Mapped to Human Genome
lincRNAs Human Body Map lincRNAs and TUCP Transcripts
     lincRNA Transcripts     lincRNA and TUCP transcripts
     lincRNA RNA-Seq Reads     lincRNA RNA-Seq reads expression abundances
LRG Transcripts Locus Reference Genomic (LRG) / RefSeqGene Fixed Transcript Annotations
MGC/ORFeome Genes MGC/ORFeome Full ORF mRNA Clones
     ORFeome Clones     ORFeome Collaboration Gene Clones
     MGC Genes     Mammalian Gene Collection Full ORF mRNAs
Old UCSC Genes Previous Version of UCSC Genes
Other RefSeq Non-Human RefSeq Genes
Pfam in UCSC Gene Pfam Domains in UCSC Genes
Prediction Archive Gene Prediction Archive
     SIB Genes     Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Gene Predictions from mRNA and ESTs
     SGP Genes     SGP Gene Predictions Using Mouse/Human Homology
     N-SCAN     N-SCAN Gene Predictions
     Genscan Genes     Genscan Gene Predictions
     Geneid Genes     Geneid Gene Predictions
     AUGUSTUS     AUGUSTUS ab initio gene predictions v3.1
     AceView Genes     AceView Gene Models With Alt-Splicing
Retroposed Genes Retroposed Genes V5, Including Pseudogenes
sno/miRNA C/D and H/ACA Box snoRNAs, scaRNAs, and microRNAs from snoRNABase and miRBase
TransMap V5 TransMap Alignments Version 5
     TransMap ESTs     TransMap EST Mappings Version 5
     TransMap RNA     TransMap GenBank RNA Mappings Version 5
     TransMap RefGene     TransMap RefSeq Gene Mappings Version 5
     TransMap Ensembl     TransMap Ensembl and GENCODE Mappings Version 5
tRNA Genes Transfer RNA Genes Identified with tRNAscan-SE
UCSC Alt Events Alternative Splicing, Alternative Promoter and Similar Events in UCSC Genes
UniProt UniProt SwissProt/TrEMBL Protein Annotations
Vega Genes Vega Annotations
Yale Pseudo60 Yale Pseudogenes based on Ensembl Release 60
+   Phenotypes, Variants, and Literature    
+   Variation    
+   mRNA and EST    
-   Expression    
GTEx Gene V8 Gene Expression in 54 tissues from GTEx RNA-seq of 17382 samples, 948 donors (V8, Aug 2019)
Allen Brain Allen Brain Atlas Probes
Burge RNA-seq Burge Lab RNA-seq Aligned by GEM Mapper
CSHL Small RNA-seq Small RNA-seq from ENCODE/Cold Spring Harbor Lab
ENC Exon Array ENCODE Exon Array
     UW Affy Exon     Affymetrix Exon Array from ENCODE/University of Washington
     Duke Affy Exon     Affymetrix Exon Array from ENCODE/Duke
ENC ProtGeno ENCODE Proteogenomics
     UNC/BSU ProtGeno     Proteogenomics Hg19 Mapping from ENCODE/Univ. North Carolina/Boise State Univ.
     UNC/BSU ProtGenc     Proteogenomics Hg19 and GENCODE Mapping from ENCODE/Univ. North Carolina/Boise State Univ.
     SYDH RNA-seq     RNA-seq from ENCODE/Stanford/Yale/USC/Harvard
     HAIB RNA-seq     RNA-seq from ENCODE/HAIB
     GIS RNA-seq     RNA-seq from ENCODE/Genome Institute of Singapore
     CSHL Long RNA-seq     Long RNA-seq from ENCODE/Cold Spring Harbor Lab
     Caltech RNA-seq     RNA-seq from ENCODE/Caltech
EPDnew Promoters Promoters from EPDnew human version 006
Affy Archive Affymetrix Archive
     Affy U133Plus2     Alignments of Affymetrix Consensus/Exemplars from HG-U133 Plus 2.0
     Affy U133     Alignments of Affymetrix Consensus/Exemplars from HG-U133
     Affy U95     Alignments of Affymetrix Consensus/Exemplars from HG-U95
     Affy RNA Loc     RNA Subcellular Localization by Tiling Microarray from ENCODE Affymetrix/CSHL
     Affy GNF1H     Alignments of Affymetrix Consensus/Exemplars from GNF1H
     Affy Exon Array     Affymetrix Human Exon Array Probes and Probesets
GIS RNA PET RNA Sub-cellular Localization by Paired-end diTag Sequencing from ENCODE/GIS
GNF Atlas 2 GNF Expression Atlas 2
GTEx Gene Gene Expression in 53 tissues from GTEx RNA-seq of 8555 samples (570 donors)
GTEx Transcript Transcript Expression in 53 tissues from GTEx RNA-seq of 8555 samples/570 donors
GWIPS-viz Riboseq Ribosome Profiling from GWIPS-viz
Illumina WG-6 Alignments of Illumina WG-6 3.0 Probe Set
PeptideAtlas Peptide sequences identified from MS spectra of 971 samples by PeptideAtlas
qPCR Primers Human (hg19) Whole Transcriptome qPCR Primers
RIKEN CAGE Loc RNA Subcellular CAGE Localization from ENCODE/RIKEN
Sestan Brain Sestan Lab Human Brain Atlas Microarrays
+   Regulation    
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+   Neandertal Assembly and Analysis    
+   Denisova Assembly and Analysis    
+   Repeats