UCSC Genome Browser on Mouse (GRCm39/mm39)
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chr12:56,741,761-56,761,390 19,630 bp.
-   Hub: ReMap 2018 Regulatory Atlas
TCP non-blocking connect() to tagc.univ-mrs.fr IP timed-out in select() after 10000 milliseconds. A connection timeout means that either the server is offline or its firewall, the UCSC firewall or any router between the two blocks the connection. Couldn't open http://tagc.univ-mrs.fr/remap/hubDirectory/trackhub/hub.txt
+   Hub: Ensembl Regulatory Build
+   Mapping and Sequencing
-   Genes and Gene Predictions
updated GENCODE VM36
updated NCBI RefSeq
updated GENCODE Versions
CRISPR Targets
Genscan Genes
Other RefSeq
Pfam in UCSC Gene
TOGA vs. hg38
UCSC Alt Events
+   mRNA and EST
+   Expression and Regulation
+   Comparative Genomics
+   Variation and Repeats
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