Track Data Hubs

Track data hubs are collections of external tracks that can be added to the UCSC Genome Browser. Click Connect to attach a hub and redirect to the assembly gateway page. Hub tracks will then show up in the hub's own blue bar track group under the browser graphic. For more information, including where to host your track hub, see our User's Guide.

Track Hubs are created and maintained by external sources. UCSC is not responsible for their content.

The list below can be filtered on words in the hub description pages or by assemblies.
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When exploring the detailed search results for a hub, you may right-click on an assembly or track line to open it in a new window.

Display Hub Name Description AssembliesClick to connect and browse directly
CCGP The California Conservation Genomics Project (CCGP) assemblies [+] GCA_026170555.1, GCA_026170545.1...
EPD Viewer Hub Promoter specific experimental data and TSS annotation from the EPD database [+] hg19, hg38, mm9, mm10, danRer7, rheMac8, galGal5, rn6...
JASPAR TFBS TFBS predictions for profiles in the JASPAR CORE collections [+] hg19, hg38, ce10, ce11, ci3, dm6, sacCer3, danRer10...
MethBase (Legacy) MethBase: 605 DNA Methylation profiles reprocessed from NCBI SRA [+] hg38, canFam3, panTro2, hg18, rheMac8, danRer11...
Predominant PAS and predominant hexamers Predominant polyA sites and predominant hexamers hg38, hg19
SIHUMI simplified human intestinal microbiota HUB [+] bact, bifi, blautia, anaero, ery, clostri, lacto...
sunflower_sea_star Pycnopodia helianthoides (sunflower sea star) sunflower_sea_star
WormBase WormBase nematode genomes [+] brenneri, japonica, remanei, ovolvulus, briggsae...